

My stepboy asks me will I help him lift our healthy dog across the fence to…


Oklahoma Tanka + Ars Poetica

Oklahoma Tanka #1 Ice storm. Close your eyes: the wind through the last high…


Fieldbook of Natural History

When God was handing out physiques, I thought he said antiques and asked for a…

Winter Rye

Only these few days in its life will this baby grass be this peculiar shade of…


Indian Clinic

Here in this lobby, waiting for my name, I’m aware of my pale face. Over there…

A Call for New Poems

During your eulogy, your mother’s pastor, who’s never met you but knows you…


Sleeping Between the Bears

It was their first day together since the judge ordered them apart. Royce had…


Lew Going Clean

The time Lew tried going clean for good he took a job as Overnight Warden in a…

Secondhand Row

Inside Bedford's culture of bootlegs, used books and junk busts At some point…

How to Ride a Wake

Or, the Arcade Fire puts the fun in Funeral. The short history of the Arcade…

Everyone's an Outlaw Now

Stomping along with other Portland old-timey acts, Power of County digs up the…

Uncivil Union

While he's breaking the laws of country and hip-hop, Sandman hooks up with…


The Late Blues Invasion

Fat Possum rescues a handful of bluesmen from obscurity. Imagine if, after the…


Falling Out

In light of Richard Clarke's new bombshells, two books also set their sights on…

The Softer Side

Mason Jennings might not always play it serious, but that doesn't mean he plays…

HBO Watch: Iron Jawed Angels

"In oranges and women," says the state psychiatrist who's just examined…

Alone Together

The young publishers at MacAdam/Cage gamble on new writers. There's a potent,…